Does Human Behaviour Change With Situations? (Let’s Find Out!)

In this article, I will share some of my thoughts on the question: Does human behaviour change with situations? From my experience, it most certainly does. Think about it for a minute. Would you behave the same in a Church as you would at a party? Probably not. You may sit quietly at a party, … Read more

How Can Congruent Communication Be Achieved? (Explained!)

When I am asked how can congruent communication be achieved, I always have to stop and gather my thoughts before I respond. It seems so second nature for me now that I think everyone should “get it“. In reality, It took me years to discover what it meant to be congruent. However, once I discovered it, … Read more

Queen Elizabeth II – The Sacrifice Of Servant Leadership

A few reflections from our Communications Team on this historical day. As some of our company’s team members gathered together today to pay our respects to Queen Elizabeth II, we could not help but reflect on the sacrifice of Servant Leadership. Hers was a life dedicated to her subjects and to serving them with grace, … Read more

How Can Congruence Be Applied In Real Life? Here Are 5 Ways To Get You Started

In this article, we are going to answer the question: “How can congruence be applied in real life?” When you achieve congruence in your life, you are living authentically. What you think, feel, say and do are aligned, There is little or no conflict. You are able to function and communicate with ease. Congruence does … Read more

Why Do Passive People Have A Hard Time Being Assertive?

Passive people have a hard time being assertive primarily because of fear, guilt or not wanting others to be uncomfortable. It is challenging to step outside of your comfort zone and rock the boat. Most people are fearful that the boost will overturn and they will drown in the backlash.  Over the years, I have worked with … Read more

How Are Self-Esteem And Success Related? 7 Things To Look Out For

Here’s how self-esteem and success are related: Self-confidence grows and is consistent Higher satisfaction at work. More rewarding experiences all around. Relationships are more meaningful. Health and wellbeing are improved and stronger. (Dis)Stress is lowered and (Eu)Stress is raised. There is a deeper sense of happiness. When you are successful, it means that you are … Read more

Role Analysis and Assertiveness – Strengthen Your Capacity

I approach behaviour in the same way that I approach taking my body to the gym and doing strength training. To strengthen my capacity to perform effectively, I develop my role analysis and assertiveness skills and abilities. As a Behaviour Strategist, I have first-hand experience of how behaviour, inappropriately used, can have a constructive or … Read more

What Is Congruent Behaviour? | How To Live Authentically

In my professional development as a Behavioural Consultant, I have worked with many models to increase my understanding and effectiveness. I recall hearing one of my Partners speaking about congruency to a Client and immediately started to question what IS congruent behaviour. I had no clue how this term applied to my behaviour but, from … Read more

Active Listening In Communication – A Leader’s Diamond

How do you listen? There is a false belief that we listen to everything we hear but, active listening in communication can be a leader’s diamond if appropriately used. We are not born good listeners. This is one of those natural abilities that we lost in our quest to be less animal-like. It is a … Read more