QUIZ ANSWERS – Trends That Will Shape HR Over The Next 5 Years

You did this the ‘Old Fashioned’ way.Let us look at how you scored on these questions.The correct answers are in BOLD. 1. What is the primary focus of digital transformation? A. Improved Recruiting StrategiesB. Use of Big Data and AnalyticsC. Automation of HR ProcessesD. Increased Use of Technology in HR 2. What is the most … Read more

10 Trends That Will Shape Human Resources Over The Next 5 Years (A Must Read!)

If Human Resources (HR) was really treated like the “Most Important Asset” and we invested as much genuine effort into it as we do with say Finance or Marketing, there would be no need for an HR “office”.  Do you know what I mean? “That place” people get “sent to” when they are misbehaving?Or, “that place” … Read more

Why Is Good Management Important? (How To Control Your Results And Your Success!)

In a world that seems to not understand what management is about, it is no surprise that we want to know why good management is important. The answer lies in how we control our results and our destiny not in any new process or system. We already have the answer and the know-how within and there … Read more

Is It Okay To Burn Bridges If You’re In A Toxic Work Environment? (Insightful!)

If you are currently wondering whether it is okay to burn bridges if you’re in a toxic work environment, you will find this article insightful. As the world continues to adjust to more than two (2) years of a global pandemic, employees are paying greater attention to their work environments and cultures. In the confinement … Read more

Why Do Companies Keep Toxic Employees? (Compelling!)

It is hard to accept and understand why companies keep toxic employees. During my corporate employment years, I struggled with this – a lot. Then, clarity set in when I started to study Organisational Behaviour and Organisation Development. Do you know the saying: “When the Student is ready, the Teacher appears“? That is what happened. … Read more

Why Does Everyone Want To Become A Good Leader But No One Wants To Become A Good Person?

Have you ever wondered why everyone wants to become a good leader but no one wants to become a good person?! Without a doubt, you have seen one of the many articles, images and quotes about how to become a good leader. They are everywhere. All around us. Don’t get me wrong. There is a … Read more

Why Is 40% Of The Workforce Still Looking To Quit Their Jobs In 2022? (Provocative!)

The question on everyone’s mind is: Why is 40% of the workforce still looking to quit their jobs in 2022? After the COVID-19 pandemic of 2019 to 2021, there was an expectation that people would be anxious to return to their jobs and their organisations. That, however, was far from the truth. As the world … Read more

How Can Congruence Be Applied In Real Life? Here Are 5 Ways To Get You Started

In this article, we are going to answer the question: “How can congruence be applied in real life?” When you achieve congruence in your life, you are living authentically. What you think, feel, say and do are aligned, There is little or no conflict. You are able to function and communicate with ease. Congruence does … Read more