QUIZ ANSWERS – Trends That Will Shape HR Over The Next 5 Years

You did this the ‘Old Fashioned’ way.Let us look at how you scored on these questions.The correct answers are in BOLD. 1. What is the primary focus of digital transformation? A. Improved Recruiting StrategiesB. Use of Big Data and AnalyticsC. Automation of HR ProcessesD. Increased Use of Technology in HR 2. What is the most … Read more

10 Trends That Will Shape Human Resources Over The Next 5 Years (A Must Read!)

If Human Resources (HR) was really treated like the “Most Important Asset” and we invested as much genuine effort into it as we do with say Finance or Marketing, there would be no need for an HR “office”.  Do you know what I mean? “That place” people get “sent to” when they are misbehaving?Or, “that place” … Read more

What Is The FUTURE Of Organizational Development? (Our FINDINGS Will Surprise You!)

If you are in the grouping that is unclear of what the future of Organisation Development (OD) is, let us explore it together. We are living in fast-paced, unpredictable times and OD may be the discipline that can provide a compass to help us navigate. The field of OD is under severe pressure at the … Read more

Why Is The Human Resource The Most Important Of All Resources? (Must Read!)

Do you ever ask why is the human resource the most important of all resources? I am sure you read all those Vision and Mission Statements on the walls while sitting in lobbies. There is a statement that usually reads something like this: “Our Human Resources are our most important assets.” Yet, when you dive into … Read more

What Is The Single Most Meaningful Initiative To Improve Employee Engagement? (Solved!)

I find it hard to believe that it is still necessary to talk about the single most meaningful initiative to improve employee engagement. However, if you are reading this article it is because you are searching for an answer. Or, the answers that you have found still do not tell you what that single, most … Read more